Ristretto 高性能 go 语言缓存

Table of Contents
dgraph-io/ristretto 是一个高性能, 可限制内存的局部缓存.
注意: 本文基于 ristretto 最初版本 v0.0.1.
特色 #
- store 分片, 缩小锁粒度
- batch 操作, sync.Pool + ring buffer 允许数据丢失
- 允许写失败, buffer channel 满时直接丢弃
- TinyLFU 准入控制, sampleLFU 淘汰控制
- 将 key hash 值也存起来, 减少重复计算
细节分析 #
batch 操作, sync.Pool + ring buffer 允许数据丢失 #
LFU cache 每次操作都要维护 key 的 freq 值, 而且一般来说这个组件和 cache 一样是共享的, 会带来很多锁竞争.
1. 引入 ring buffer 做批操作 (并发不安全) #
// Push appends an item in the ring buffer and drains (copies items and
// sends to Consumer) if full.
func (s *ringStripe) Push(item uint64) {
s.data = append(s.data, item)
// if we should drain
if len(s.data) >= s.capa {
// Send elements to consumer. Create a new one.
if s.cons.Push(s.data) {
s.data = make([]uint64, 0, s.capa)
} else {
s.data = s.data[:0]
批操作, 当数据量达到 capa 时, 发给 consumer, 这里处理很激进, 如果 consumer 返回 false (阻塞), 会直接丢弃数据.
2. sync.Pool 无锁包裹, 保存临时数据 #
// ringBuffer stores multiple buffers (stripes) and distributes Pushed items
// between them to lower contention.
// This implements the "batching" process described in the BP-Wrapper paper
// (section III part A).
type ringBuffer struct {
pool *sync.Pool
// newRingBuffer returns a striped ring buffer. The Consumer in ringConfig will
// be called when individual stripes are full and need to drain their elements.
func newRingBuffer(cons ringConsumer, capa int64) *ringBuffer {
// LOSSY buffers use a very simple sync.Pool for concurrently reusing
// stripes. We do lose some stripes due to GC (unheld items in sync.Pool
// are cleared), but the performance gains generally outweigh the small
// percentage of elements lost. The performance primarily comes from
// low-level runtime functions used in the standard library that aren't
// available to us (such as runtime_procPin()).
return &ringBuffer{
pool: &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} { return newRingStripe(cons, capa) },
// Push adds an element to one of the internal stripes and possibly drains if
// the stripe becomes full.
func (b *ringBuffer) Push(item uint64) {
// reuse or create a new stripe
stripe := b.pool.Get().(*ringStripe)
操作可以并发, 如果有可用对象直接返回, 如果没有会调用 New
方法创建新的. sync.Pool 里面的对象是临时对象, 2 个 gc 周期会被回收, 所以这里也会丢数据. RingStripe
实例化对象保存在 pool 中, push 的 item 也会临时保存, 如果 item 数量没达到该 RingStripe 的 capa, 并且过了两个 gc 周期, 会丢失此对象的 items (对象被回收了).
key hash #
string 和 []byte 使用 go 语言用的 memhash, 性能很高
// TODO: Figure out a way to re-use memhash for the second uint64 hash, we
// already know that appending bytes isn't reliable for generating a
// second hash (see Ristretto PR #88).
// We also know that while the Go runtime has a runtime memhash128
// function, it's not possible to use it to generate [2]uint64 or
// anything resembling a 128bit hash, even though that's exactly what
// we need in this situation.
func KeyToHash(key interface{}) (uint64, uint64) {
if key == nil {
return 0, 0
switch k := key.(type) {
case uint64:
return k, 0
case string:
raw := []byte(k)
return MemHash(raw), xxhash.Sum64(raw)
case []byte:
return MemHash(k), xxhash.Sum64(k)
case byte:
return uint64(k), 0
case int:
return uint64(k), 0
case int32:
return uint64(k), 0
case uint32:
return uint64(k), 0
case int64:
return uint64(k), 0
panic("Key type not supported")
store 分片, 缩小锁粒度 #
store 实现比较简单, 组合锁和标准 map. 为了减少锁粒度提高性能做了分片.
type lockedMap struct {
data map[uint64]storeItem
const numShards uint64 = 256
type shardedMap struct {
shards []*lockedMap
func newShardedMap() *shardedMap {
sm := &shardedMap{
shards: make([]*lockedMap, int(numShards)),
for i := range sm.shards {
sm.shards[i] = newLockedMap()
return sm
func (sm *shardedMap) Get(key, conflict uint64) (interface{}, bool) {
return sm.shards[key%numShards].Get(key, conflict)
func (sm *shardedMap) Set(key, conflict uint64, value interface{}) {
sm.shards[key%numShards].Set(key, conflict, value)
允许写失败, buffer channel 满时直接丢弃 #
func (c *Cache) Set(key, value interface{}, cost int64) bool {
if c == nil || key == nil {
return false
keyHash, conflictHash := c.keyToHash(key)
i := &item{
flag: itemNew,
key: keyHash,
conflict: conflictHash,
value: value,
cost: cost,
// attempt to immediately update hashmap value and set flag to update so the
// cost is eventually updated
if c.store.Update(keyHash, conflictHash, i.value) {
i.flag = itemUpdate
// attempt to send item to policy
select {
case c.setBuf <- i:
return true
c.Metrics.add(dropSets, keyHash, 1)
return false
值得注意的是 Set 方法包含 create 和 update, update 操作是不能丢弃和延迟的(不然会读到脏缓存), 所以会先尝试做 update 操作.
这里 channel 操作相当于异步写, 会出现 Set 之后 Get 可能会拿不到缓存, 但是这都是为了尽可能提高 Set 性能.
TinyLFU 准入控制 #
TinyLFU 基于此 论文, 优化了内存使用.
- Increment(key uint64) // 增加 freq
- Estimate(key uint64) int (referred as ɛ) // 获取
- Reset // 重置
准入控制要保证进入元素的 ɛ 大于淘汰的元素, 否则不允许进入. 简单来说, ristretto 永远会优先缓存 更有价值 的数据.
Increment 会在 Get 调用是通过 sync.Pool + ring buffer batch 更新.
Estimate 会在存储空间达到阈值时, 会随机获取 5 个旧元素, 如果新元素 ɛ 小于所有选取的旧元素, 直接拒绝, 不允许进入缓存. 否则淘汰掉 ɛ 最小的元素, 再随机补充一个旧元素, 重复操作直到空间充足.
// Snippet from the Admission and Eviction Algorithm
incHits := p.admit.Estimate(key)
for ; room < 0; room = p.evict.roomLeft(cost) {
sample = p.evict.fillSample(sample)
minKey, minHits, minId := uint64(0), int64(math.MaxInt64), 0
for i, pair := range sample {
if hits := p.admit.Estimate(pair.key); hits < minHits {
minKey, minHits, minId = pair.key, hits, i
if incHits < minHits {
p.stats.Add(rejectSets, key, 1)
return victims, false
sample[minId] = sample[len(sample)-1]
sample = sample[:len(sample)-1]
victims = append(victims, minKey)
还有一点要注意, 如果只用上面的处理方式, 老的元素 ɛ 值会一直增加, 新元素没有机会进入, 为了解决这个问题 在调用 n 次 Increment 方法时会调用 Reset 方法将 TinyLFU 重置.
其他优化点: 为了防止大量只出现一次的 key 使得 TinyLFU 里面数据量过大, 引入布隆过滤器, 只允许 Increment 过滤器中存在的 key, 所以会忽略掉第一次进来的 key. 调用 Estimate 时如果过滤器存在该 key ɛ 值会再额外 +1.
sampleLFU 淘汰控制 #
淘汰控制是在空间不足时执行, 参考上面代码片段.
操作使用的是 go 语言 map 随机访问特性.
type sampledLFU struct {
keyCosts map[uint64]int64
maxCost int64
used int64
metrics *Metrics
func (p *sampledLFU) fillSample(in []*policyPair) []*policyPair {
if len(in) >= lfuSample {
return in
for key, cost := range p.keyCosts {
in = append(in, &policyPair{key, cost})
if len(in) >= lfuSample {
return in
return in
总结 #
提升吞吐方面, 从设计上支持数据丢弃, set 操作不确保成功, get 操作更新 freq 也做了批操作, 并且容忍丢失. 提升命中方面 TinyLFU 在准入时只允许 rank 分更高也就是更有价值的元素进入, 淘汰也是优先淘汰 rank 值低的, 永远尝试保留更有价值的数据.
参考资料 #
- https://dgraph.io/blog/post/introducing-ristretto-high-perf-go-cache
- https://github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto